Posted in cards

Who is Aristides Aquino?

Aristides Aquino
I remember pulling this card back in early -2015, only to brush it aside and make a comment on the long autograph across the card.  

Aristides Aquino Sold

Lacking the knowledge of who, and what type of prospect/player he’d become, back in April 2015, I decided to sell it off on eBay like any average collector would do, for a mere $5.00 (not minus the fees, shipping and so forth.

Fast forward, to June 2020, checking the recent eBay sales, the card in RAW value sells or sold anywhere from $70 – $120 dollars!

Aristides Aquino eBay

Maybe it’s better to hold off on ‘prospect cards’ do the research, wait for development and then sell, or … just forget about it!